Hello Lovely people,
Hope you have had a blessed time so far?
I am very well...Looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of my faith.
I'm grateful for every day/time/era of my life. There are times when I ask myself 'why me' or 'is it only me'? But I'm glad because even in these situations I learn something about life.
Yesterday what came into my mind was: I feel I do so much for others, pray so much for others that I'm totally drained. This statement I made to myself got me thinking?
What is/are my reason(s) for helping others?
Is it for selfish gain? or out of pure niceness? Am I putting others first to receive earthly praise or am I just structured the way I am? This got me thinking.
Most times when I do things for people or go out of my way for people I just do it so maybe the answer is: I am just nice. However there are times when sincerely I do what I have to so as to be recognised by others as being good: hence I like the earthly praise. Sometimes I go ahead to do what I do because I have it at the back of my mind that it will be of benefit to me one way or another: this is selfish gain.
It's hard not to think the way I do (I choose not to believe that I am the only one who feels this way). While pondering on this, yesterday I was described with an adjective I have disliked all my life as it had been used around a lot while I was growing up.
As usual I turned to God and asked for revelation because I felt a bit drained. Scratch that I felt totally drained.
Job 42:10 came to me early this morning: After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before.
(We all know the story of Job and how his friends had told him to curse God and die. At this point God was angry with them but asked them to bring their burnt offering sacrifices. God had said He would only accept Job's prayer and not theirs.Even with the way they had scorned him in His affliction, Job still prayed for his friends.)
Job prayed for his friends in the midst of trials and gained double. I'm sure he did not pray with the mind set of 'when I pray for them I get double'. He prayed a SELFLESS prayer.
No matter how nice you are or how much you feel you are doing for others always do it Selflessly. Do it and freely and without thinking of any extra additives.
It is hard I must tell you. You have to constantly tell yourself that whatever you do is done and can not be taken back. Take it as an investment. Some investments you benefit from some you don't benefit from.
Now that I have this armed; I am going to work/walk with it and keep it as my mantra. Just do and don't think of the gain. Now I have got it right. There is only one answer to the question I asked myself and I am glad with God's help I have answered that question.
I hope this helps someone out there who feels drained of doing a whole lot. Remember: God's strength is more than sufficient for you and I.
Remain Blessed
Virtuous: Morally Excellent. Kelly(Kelechi): Igbo name which means 'Thank God' Welcome to my little space where i'll be writing on issues that affect everyday living. There are so many blog platforms out these days that its hard to keep up. Well add mine to the list (insert what's app smiley) My aim in life to please my Master. In order to please Him I must be morally upright in all my dealings while giving thanks to Him for where he has brought me from, I am and where He is taking me to.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Hyms I Love: It is well with my Soul
Hello Darlings,
Its been too long...really.
This was not the plan I had and I really need to get back on track.
Please do forgive me. My current lack of a laptop as well as so many things going on around have prevented me from having access to here. Please do accept my apologies.
So many things have gone through my mind that I'd love to share but the only thing that comes to mind to write down today is one of my favourite hymns: It is well with my soul.
Why do I love this Hymn?
Now I have not gone through half of what the Writer/Hymnist Horatio Spafford went through, but I believe I and many of us have gone through a stage where you don't really know what else to do than to pray and say one of my favourite phrases 'It is Well' Well I currently had a little phase which I believe has passed now (Hallelujah) and I know this hymn crossed my mind a whole lot. The Phrase was repeated much more. And to be sincere it really did help!!! I usually say to myself sometimes when I feel too low to pray that I'd rather pray than not pray at all as at least with prayer I know results will come no matter how long it may take. Then I end up with the line (Yes you are right) 'It is well with my soul'.
Brief History:
This hymn was written after several traumatic events in Spafford’s life. The first was the death of his only son in 1871 at the age of four, shortly followed by the great Chicago Fire which ruined him financially (he had been a successful lawyer). Then in 1873, he had planned to travel to Europe with his family on the SS Ville du Havre, but sent the family ahead while he was delayed on business concerning zoning problems following the Great Chicago Fire. While crossing the Atlantic, the ship sank rapidly after a collision with a sailing ship, the Loch Earn, and all four of Spafford's daughters died. His wife Anna survived and sent him the now famous telegram, "Saved alone". Shortly afterwards, as Spafford traveled to meet his grieving wife, he was inspired to write these words as his ship passed near where his daughters had died.
One thing that gives me joy is that after this Horatio Spafford and His wife Anna were able to pick themselves up together and eventually had 3 other children even though one died in infancy. The fact that through the pain they were still able to rely on each other and went on to form a mission in Jerusalem which helped the poor. TOGETHER. (Well that's a discussion for another day)
I prefer the original manuscript which reads 'know' at the end of the third line but most scripts read currently have 'say'
Here are the great lyrics.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
It is well with my soul,
it is well, it is well with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
let this blest assurance control,
that Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
and hath shed his own blood for my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
the clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
even so, it is well with my soul.
That's it people. If you are a lover of hymns like I am please share your favourite hymn(s) with me as well.
Enjoy the rest of the week and don't forget no matter what that situation is or how big it may seem your God is bigger. It is well.
Its been too long...really.
This was not the plan I had and I really need to get back on track.
Please do forgive me. My current lack of a laptop as well as so many things going on around have prevented me from having access to here. Please do accept my apologies.
So many things have gone through my mind that I'd love to share but the only thing that comes to mind to write down today is one of my favourite hymns: It is well with my soul.
Why do I love this Hymn?
Now I have not gone through half of what the Writer/Hymnist Horatio Spafford went through, but I believe I and many of us have gone through a stage where you don't really know what else to do than to pray and say one of my favourite phrases 'It is Well' Well I currently had a little phase which I believe has passed now (Hallelujah) and I know this hymn crossed my mind a whole lot. The Phrase was repeated much more. And to be sincere it really did help!!! I usually say to myself sometimes when I feel too low to pray that I'd rather pray than not pray at all as at least with prayer I know results will come no matter how long it may take. Then I end up with the line (Yes you are right) 'It is well with my soul'.
Brief History:
This hymn was written after several traumatic events in Spafford’s life. The first was the death of his only son in 1871 at the age of four, shortly followed by the great Chicago Fire which ruined him financially (he had been a successful lawyer). Then in 1873, he had planned to travel to Europe with his family on the SS Ville du Havre, but sent the family ahead while he was delayed on business concerning zoning problems following the Great Chicago Fire. While crossing the Atlantic, the ship sank rapidly after a collision with a sailing ship, the Loch Earn, and all four of Spafford's daughters died. His wife Anna survived and sent him the now famous telegram, "Saved alone". Shortly afterwards, as Spafford traveled to meet his grieving wife, he was inspired to write these words as his ship passed near where his daughters had died.
One thing that gives me joy is that after this Horatio Spafford and His wife Anna were able to pick themselves up together and eventually had 3 other children even though one died in infancy. The fact that through the pain they were still able to rely on each other and went on to form a mission in Jerusalem which helped the poor. TOGETHER. (Well that's a discussion for another day)
I prefer the original manuscript which reads 'know' at the end of the third line but most scripts read currently have 'say'
Here are the great lyrics.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
It is well with my soul,
it is well, it is well with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
let this blest assurance control,
that Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
and hath shed his own blood for my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
the clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
even so, it is well with my soul.
That's it people. If you are a lover of hymns like I am please share your favourite hymn(s) with me as well.
Enjoy the rest of the week and don't forget no matter what that situation is or how big it may seem your God is bigger. It is well.
Post Relates to
Horatio Spafford,
It is Well,
Saturday, 29 October 2011
I'm Sorry!!!
Hello blessed people of Blogsville
I want to apologise for being out of touch for a while now. My laptop has finally given up on me and I have been in the middle of so many things.
I do trust and believe that God has everything under control and my testimony will be shared right here and you all will be witnesses to the goodness, greatness and awesomeness of our God.
Let me just leave you for now with this:
To that person that feels there is no hope and it's the end and there's no way out- Don't give up on God. Hold on to Him. He is the author and finisher of your/our faith. There is a new anointing that is being poured out and that anointing is able to silence any and every opposition that may be standing against you. The New anointing lifts every siege and removes all kinds of reproach. The new anointing transforms every situation.
To whomever this may apply to: begin to thank God for the past, the present and the future. God has it all in control.
Remain Blessed Darlings
I want to apologise for being out of touch for a while now. My laptop has finally given up on me and I have been in the middle of so many things.
I do trust and believe that God has everything under control and my testimony will be shared right here and you all will be witnesses to the goodness, greatness and awesomeness of our God.
Let me just leave you for now with this:
To that person that feels there is no hope and it's the end and there's no way out- Don't give up on God. Hold on to Him. He is the author and finisher of your/our faith. There is a new anointing that is being poured out and that anointing is able to silence any and every opposition that may be standing against you. The New anointing lifts every siege and removes all kinds of reproach. The new anointing transforms every situation.
To whomever this may apply to: begin to thank God for the past, the present and the future. God has it all in control.
Remain Blessed Darlings
Post Relates to
The New Anointing
Saturday, 15 October 2011
What Praise Can Do
Hello People!!!!!
I apologise for not dropping a post earlier on this week. So many unexpected things came up this week but I thank God cos in all things I am more than a conqueror through Christ who dwells in me. Somebody shout Hallelujah!!!!!
On this glorious Saturday morning I just want to drop a few lines to give you my first hand experience on what PRAISE can do.
I noticed a lot of visitors who come to my blog usually visit my post 'The Importance of Prayer' and I believe it has blessed them so I will give my experience also on praise.
Recently, a lot has been going on around me. There are some prayer requests I have and also partnership prayers that concern me that I pray about as well. Sometimes its hard to get into that zone when you want to really go all deep. In those situations I just tell myself to PRAISE God.
Now most of us (I included) have confused Praise to be that part of the singing, clapping and fast beat phase while worship is the more solemn phase. Due to my experience I beg to differ.
There are times when no song comes to your mind but you remember the goodness of God, His awesome power,His majesty and you begin to Praise Him. You Praising Him is an ACT of Worship in itself. The two are one and the same. It's more than the singing, its more than the clapping. It's more of a lifestyle of always having a reason to appreciate God for what He has done, what he is doing and what He will do. Most times Simply for who He is.
On Tuesday I had an awesome experience. At first the spirit was willing to pray but the flesh was weak because I had a somewhat nasty episode at work. All I wanted to do was follow my usual routine prayer and get it over and done with. Little did I know that God had a different plan for me.
So here I was about to go on my knees but while standing in my little room I just began to sing praises to God. Thinking back on it all those songs had one thing in common: They all had the theme of THANKFULNESS. Now at the time I didn't think of what I was being thankful for considering the fact that I didn't exactly have the best day. However that went on for about 20-25 mins. It came so easy that when I thought I was finally released and got on my knees to get my so called 'worship Phase' started all I could do was minister to God with words. His faithfulness, His kindness, His ability to always show up.
People I am glad I was not released early that night to go ahead with a routine prayer just cos I felt I had to. I am glad I was able to submit to His will and Praise Him the way I did. In Praising Him I worshipped His Majesty and the extent of His love for me.
On Wednesday morning all invigorated after such a powerful night session the day was worse than the last. I am sure you were expecting me to say all will be fine. Nope Worse I tell you. Right until getting home.
But People when you praise and worship God in the midst of your circumstances and you surrender everything to Him: I tell you THINGS HAPPEN!!!
Nothing happened on Thursday. All I was lead to do was read some Psalms for encouragement (Psalms 56: 3-4 and Psalm 144: 7 and 11.)
But people on Friday my God showed up for me in a wonderful way. How it came about I do not know all I know is that it has to be God only God. And I attribute it to the day I submitted to His will to Praise Him.
I can not begin to explain to you the level of joy I feel. God is taking me through something and after the first stage of manifestation on Friday I thanked and praised Him some more because I know He who began a GREAT work in me will be Faithful and more than Able to complete it.
People Watch This Space. More is about to come. Because when the Praises Go up, the Blessings come down.
This is my experience. Prayer is important but do not forget the importance of Praise as well.
Please share your experience with me and with visitors on this blog. You do not know who may need encouragement from your experience(s).
Stay Blessed and with an attitude of Praise
I apologise for not dropping a post earlier on this week. So many unexpected things came up this week but I thank God cos in all things I am more than a conqueror through Christ who dwells in me. Somebody shout Hallelujah!!!!!
On this glorious Saturday morning I just want to drop a few lines to give you my first hand experience on what PRAISE can do.
I noticed a lot of visitors who come to my blog usually visit my post 'The Importance of Prayer' and I believe it has blessed them so I will give my experience also on praise.
Recently, a lot has been going on around me. There are some prayer requests I have and also partnership prayers that concern me that I pray about as well. Sometimes its hard to get into that zone when you want to really go all deep. In those situations I just tell myself to PRAISE God.
Now most of us (I included) have confused Praise to be that part of the singing, clapping and fast beat phase while worship is the more solemn phase. Due to my experience I beg to differ.
There are times when no song comes to your mind but you remember the goodness of God, His awesome power,His majesty and you begin to Praise Him. You Praising Him is an ACT of Worship in itself. The two are one and the same. It's more than the singing, its more than the clapping. It's more of a lifestyle of always having a reason to appreciate God for what He has done, what he is doing and what He will do. Most times Simply for who He is.
On Tuesday I had an awesome experience. At first the spirit was willing to pray but the flesh was weak because I had a somewhat nasty episode at work. All I wanted to do was follow my usual routine prayer and get it over and done with. Little did I know that God had a different plan for me.
So here I was about to go on my knees but while standing in my little room I just began to sing praises to God. Thinking back on it all those songs had one thing in common: They all had the theme of THANKFULNESS. Now at the time I didn't think of what I was being thankful for considering the fact that I didn't exactly have the best day. However that went on for about 20-25 mins. It came so easy that when I thought I was finally released and got on my knees to get my so called 'worship Phase' started all I could do was minister to God with words. His faithfulness, His kindness, His ability to always show up.
People I am glad I was not released early that night to go ahead with a routine prayer just cos I felt I had to. I am glad I was able to submit to His will and Praise Him the way I did. In Praising Him I worshipped His Majesty and the extent of His love for me.
On Wednesday morning all invigorated after such a powerful night session the day was worse than the last. I am sure you were expecting me to say all will be fine. Nope Worse I tell you. Right until getting home.
But People when you praise and worship God in the midst of your circumstances and you surrender everything to Him: I tell you THINGS HAPPEN!!!
Nothing happened on Thursday. All I was lead to do was read some Psalms for encouragement (Psalms 56: 3-4 and Psalm 144: 7 and 11.)
But people on Friday my God showed up for me in a wonderful way. How it came about I do not know all I know is that it has to be God only God. And I attribute it to the day I submitted to His will to Praise Him.
I can not begin to explain to you the level of joy I feel. God is taking me through something and after the first stage of manifestation on Friday I thanked and praised Him some more because I know He who began a GREAT work in me will be Faithful and more than Able to complete it.
People Watch This Space. More is about to come. Because when the Praises Go up, the Blessings come down.
This is my experience. Prayer is important but do not forget the importance of Praise as well.
Please share your experience with me and with visitors on this blog. You do not know who may need encouragement from your experience(s).
Stay Blessed and with an attitude of Praise
Post Relates to
Moments with God,
Psalm 144:7-8,
Psalm 56:3-4,
Monday, 10 October 2011
Psalms I love: Psalms 66
Hello Wonderful People!!!!!
How did the weekend go?
Mine was fine;busy;but fine.
It seems I'll have 3 posts in this week...Somebody shout Hallelujah!!!!!
Yesterday I was re-introduced to a Psalm I must have read before. However a verse from the psalm was read during service yesterday and prompted me to read the whole psalm.
Trust me to do some research on it. (Insert what's app smiling face smiley)
'Praise is the topic, and the subjects for song are the Lord's great works, his gracious benefits, his faithful deliverances, and all his dealings with his people, brought to a close by a personal testimony to special kindness received by the prophet bard himself. Ps 66:1-4 are a kind of introductory hymn, calling upon all nations to praise God, and dictating to them the words of a suitable song. Ps 66:5-7 invite the beholder to "Come and see" the works of the Lord, pointing attention to the Red Sea, and perhaps the passage of Jordan. This suggests the similar position of the afflicted people which is described, and its joyful issue predicted, Ps 66:8-12. The singer then becomes personal, and confesses his own obligations to the Lord (Ps 66:13-15); and, bursting forth with a vehement "Come and hear, "declares with thanksgiving the special favour of the Lord to himself, Ps 66:16-20.'
(Excerpt gotten from The Treasury of David by Charles H. Spurgeon)
This Psalm is made up of 20 verses. My favourite verses are:
Verse 3: Say to God,
“How awesome are Your works!
Through the greatness of Your power
Your enemies shall submit themselves to You.
This for some reason just makes me want to burst out with joy. My God is Awesome and not only that but through the greatness of his power which is demonstrated in the works of creation and beyond, enemies submit themselves.
Kelly's Interpretation: When I am troubled all I need to remember is how Awesome and Great my God is: in remembering how great he is every problem becomes smaller compared to Him.
Verse 12: 'You have caused men to ride over our heads;
We went through fire and through water;
But You brought us out to rich fulfilment.'
Kelly's Interpretation: Even when I go through adverse situations I will always hold on knowing that God will surely bring me out better and brighter than before. Abundance is the word.
Verse 18: If I regard iniquity in my heart,
The Lord will not hear.
Kelly's Interpretation: At times when I sin the Lord does not hear and I become susceptible to the wiles of the enemy. Therefore I must always ask God to forgive me of my sins in order for my prayers to be answered.
Verse 19 and 20: 'But certainly God has heard me;
He has attended to the voice of my prayer.
Blessed be God,
Who has not turned away my prayer,
Nor His mercy from me!'
Kelly's Interpretation: Because we serve a merciful God He will attend to our prayers. We are his children created in His image. No good thing will he deny us. All Praise be to him.
The whole Psalm is power packed. I have only highlighted verses that jumped out at me. Please read the whole of it and let me know which verses jump out at you :-) or better still your own interpretation to the whole Psalm
Don't miss me
I'll be back soon
Yours with Love
How did the weekend go?
Mine was fine;busy;but fine.
It seems I'll have 3 posts in this week...Somebody shout Hallelujah!!!!!
Yesterday I was re-introduced to a Psalm I must have read before. However a verse from the psalm was read during service yesterday and prompted me to read the whole psalm.
Trust me to do some research on it. (Insert what's app smiling face smiley)
'Praise is the topic, and the subjects for song are the Lord's great works, his gracious benefits, his faithful deliverances, and all his dealings with his people, brought to a close by a personal testimony to special kindness received by the prophet bard himself. Ps 66:1-4 are a kind of introductory hymn, calling upon all nations to praise God, and dictating to them the words of a suitable song. Ps 66:5-7 invite the beholder to "Come and see" the works of the Lord, pointing attention to the Red Sea, and perhaps the passage of Jordan. This suggests the similar position of the afflicted people which is described, and its joyful issue predicted, Ps 66:8-12. The singer then becomes personal, and confesses his own obligations to the Lord (Ps 66:13-15); and, bursting forth with a vehement "Come and hear, "declares with thanksgiving the special favour of the Lord to himself, Ps 66:16-20.'
(Excerpt gotten from The Treasury of David by Charles H. Spurgeon)
This Psalm is made up of 20 verses. My favourite verses are:
Verse 3: Say to God,
“How awesome are Your works!
Through the greatness of Your power
Your enemies shall submit themselves to You.
This for some reason just makes me want to burst out with joy. My God is Awesome and not only that but through the greatness of his power which is demonstrated in the works of creation and beyond, enemies submit themselves.
Kelly's Interpretation: When I am troubled all I need to remember is how Awesome and Great my God is: in remembering how great he is every problem becomes smaller compared to Him.
Verse 12: 'You have caused men to ride over our heads;
We went through fire and through water;
But You brought us out to rich fulfilment.'
Kelly's Interpretation: Even when I go through adverse situations I will always hold on knowing that God will surely bring me out better and brighter than before. Abundance is the word.
Verse 18: If I regard iniquity in my heart,
The Lord will not hear.
Kelly's Interpretation: At times when I sin the Lord does not hear and I become susceptible to the wiles of the enemy. Therefore I must always ask God to forgive me of my sins in order for my prayers to be answered.
Verse 19 and 20: 'But certainly God has heard me;
He has attended to the voice of my prayer.
Blessed be God,
Who has not turned away my prayer,
Nor His mercy from me!'
Kelly's Interpretation: Because we serve a merciful God He will attend to our prayers. We are his children created in His image. No good thing will he deny us. All Praise be to him.
The whole Psalm is power packed. I have only highlighted verses that jumped out at me. Please read the whole of it and let me know which verses jump out at you :-) or better still your own interpretation to the whole Psalm
Don't miss me
I'll be back soon
Yours with Love
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Hymns I Love: How Great Thou Art
Hello Blessed People
Hope your week has been blessed so far?
As for me I am tracing my steps back to my master. Enjoying every moment I spend with Him. Embracing Him in a new way and experiencing His presence like never before. These days I just want to burst out singing praises and worshipping Him. I thank God for His love.
Well in the spirit of my last post which you can read here I was taken back to this Hymn I love so much. It's a wonder how I don't know the full lyrics by heart considering the fact that I sing/listen to this song (well not the whole hymn) almost everyday. And thanks to CeCe Winans' rendition my love for it has grown deeper.
Why do I love this Hymn?
It is deep. Very deep. The Hymn writer tried to put in words the awesomeness and greatness of God by showcasing his creation( verse 1 and 2), the depth of his love for us by sending his son Jesus (verse 3) and also tried to create a picture of how majestic the second coming would be (verse 4). The hymn reminds me that God's awesomeness supersedes our wildest imaginations. Imagine what this God can do for you? Yes EVERYTHING!!!!!
Brief History:
The Hymn is actually based on a Swedish poem written by Carl Gustav Boberg.
'Carl Boberg and some friends were returning home to Mönsterås from Kronobäck, where they had participated in an afternoon service. Nature was at its peak that radiant afternoon. Presently a thundercloud appeared on the horizon, and soon sharp lightning flashed across the sky. Strong winds swept over the meadows and billowing fields of grain. The thunder pealed in loud claps. Then rain came in cool fresh showers. In a little while the storm was over, and a rainbow appeared.
When Boberg arrived home, he opened the window and saw the bay of MönsterÃ¥s like a mirror before him… From the woods on the other side of the bay, he heard the song of a thrush…the church bells were tolling in the quiet evening. It was this series of sights, sounds, and experiences that inspired the writing of the song'
It is believed that inspiration was also drawn from Psalm 8.
Here are the wonderful Lyrics:
O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works thy hand hath made,
I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed;
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
When through the woods and forest glades I wander
and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;
when I look down from lofty mountain grandeur,
and hear the brook, and feel he gentle breeze;
And when I think that God his son not sparing,
Sent him to die - I scarce can take it in,
That on the cross my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin:
When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home- what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow in humble adoration
And there proclaim, my God, how great thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
That's it people. If you are a lover of hymns like I am please share your favourite hymn(s) with me as well.
Enjoy the rest of the week and don't forget How Great our God is...
Hope your week has been blessed so far?
As for me I am tracing my steps back to my master. Enjoying every moment I spend with Him. Embracing Him in a new way and experiencing His presence like never before. These days I just want to burst out singing praises and worshipping Him. I thank God for His love.
Well in the spirit of my last post which you can read here I was taken back to this Hymn I love so much. It's a wonder how I don't know the full lyrics by heart considering the fact that I sing/listen to this song (well not the whole hymn) almost everyday. And thanks to CeCe Winans' rendition my love for it has grown deeper.
Why do I love this Hymn?
It is deep. Very deep. The Hymn writer tried to put in words the awesomeness and greatness of God by showcasing his creation( verse 1 and 2), the depth of his love for us by sending his son Jesus (verse 3) and also tried to create a picture of how majestic the second coming would be (verse 4). The hymn reminds me that God's awesomeness supersedes our wildest imaginations. Imagine what this God can do for you? Yes EVERYTHING!!!!!
Brief History:
The Hymn is actually based on a Swedish poem written by Carl Gustav Boberg.
'Carl Boberg and some friends were returning home to Mönsterås from Kronobäck, where they had participated in an afternoon service. Nature was at its peak that radiant afternoon. Presently a thundercloud appeared on the horizon, and soon sharp lightning flashed across the sky. Strong winds swept over the meadows and billowing fields of grain. The thunder pealed in loud claps. Then rain came in cool fresh showers. In a little while the storm was over, and a rainbow appeared.
When Boberg arrived home, he opened the window and saw the bay of MönsterÃ¥s like a mirror before him… From the woods on the other side of the bay, he heard the song of a thrush…the church bells were tolling in the quiet evening. It was this series of sights, sounds, and experiences that inspired the writing of the song'
It is believed that inspiration was also drawn from Psalm 8.
Here are the wonderful Lyrics:
O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works thy hand hath made,
I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed;
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
When through the woods and forest glades I wander
and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;
when I look down from lofty mountain grandeur,
and hear the brook, and feel he gentle breeze;
And when I think that God his son not sparing,
Sent him to die - I scarce can take it in,
That on the cross my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin:
When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home- what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow in humble adoration
And there proclaim, my God, how great thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
That's it people. If you are a lover of hymns like I am please share your favourite hymn(s) with me as well.
Enjoy the rest of the week and don't forget How Great our God is...
Post Relates to
CeCe Winans,
How Great Thou Art,
Monday, 3 October 2011
Going Back To Basics
Hello People!!!!!
Hope you had a fantastic weekend and if you are in the United Kingdom area I hope this heat wave did not drive you slightly insane as it did to me...
Oh well we thank God for it all.
I'm quite early posting this week but it's all good as I feel this post is an appropriate post for an early post :-)
Yesterday I got talking with #AOD# and it ventured into one of our deep conversations. Now when we get into such conversations I tend to withdraw slightly and think of my words well before I speak so that I don't look silly.
Anyway he asked me a question; very simple yet I took it overboard with over thinking the question. The question was:
What is my(His) uppermost priority?
Now this question is a straight forward question that requires more often than not a single word answer.
Now here I was silent for about 30seconds thinking to myself what answer does this man want to hear from me now. The first thing that came into my mind I said to him but it did not seem to be the right answer and then I went ahead to say the next thing that came to my mind. The first was a word (name) the second was more or less an explanation.
For both answers they were wrong. And I think God was using #AOD# to remind me to go back to the basics. The simple answer he was expecting me to say was GOD.
Now why I didn't say this first I do not know. In everything I do right down to my twitter bio I describe myself as one whose aim is to please her master: that is my main purpose. And here I was being asked the same question by my other half and I had fumbled. I felt totally disappointment in myself. Not because I had failed to give the correct answer to #AOD# but because I felt I had let God down. It's like I had been going on with my daily routine of do this, pray this, read the bible this, go to church this and I had totally left out the person behind the wheel of it all.
I thank God for using #AOD# to remind me about what is really important. Pleasing GOD and doing His will ought to be and is my uppermost priority in life. It is sometimes easy to get so caught up in the rat race of life that one forgets that simple principle. May the Lord forgive me.
All through the night I tossed and turned with guilt. I have asked God to forgive me and I know He has. He then took me to two scriptures in the bible:
Matthew 6:33
'But seek FIRST his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well'
Romans 8: 28
'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his PURPOSE'
These two scriptures I have read previously over and over again. But reading it this morning showed me that in putting God as the topmost priority the chasing of life's pleasures becomes irrelevant as these are automatically added to me once I acknowledge his SUPREMACY and Leading in my life.
The verse in Romans 8 also reiterates that as we put God first(By virtue of our love for Him: following His will and direction for our lives) we become part and parcel of His purpose and in becoming part and parcel of that PURPOSE all things ought to and will work together for our good.
I am so going back to basics. I urge you to please take some time to ask yourself this question? If you can truly answer this question and sincerely know that God is not the first thing that comes to mind please I encourage you to take the step I have taken and ask for forgiveness and GO BACK TO BASICS.
Hope you had a fantastic weekend and if you are in the United Kingdom area I hope this heat wave did not drive you slightly insane as it did to me...
Oh well we thank God for it all.
I'm quite early posting this week but it's all good as I feel this post is an appropriate post for an early post :-)
Yesterday I got talking with #AOD# and it ventured into one of our deep conversations. Now when we get into such conversations I tend to withdraw slightly and think of my words well before I speak so that I don't look silly.
Anyway he asked me a question; very simple yet I took it overboard with over thinking the question. The question was:
What is my(His) uppermost priority?
Now this question is a straight forward question that requires more often than not a single word answer.
Now here I was silent for about 30seconds thinking to myself what answer does this man want to hear from me now. The first thing that came into my mind I said to him but it did not seem to be the right answer and then I went ahead to say the next thing that came to my mind. The first was a word (name) the second was more or less an explanation.
For both answers they were wrong. And I think God was using #AOD# to remind me to go back to the basics. The simple answer he was expecting me to say was GOD.
Now why I didn't say this first I do not know. In everything I do right down to my twitter bio I describe myself as one whose aim is to please her master: that is my main purpose. And here I was being asked the same question by my other half and I had fumbled. I felt totally disappointment in myself. Not because I had failed to give the correct answer to #AOD# but because I felt I had let God down. It's like I had been going on with my daily routine of do this, pray this, read the bible this, go to church this and I had totally left out the person behind the wheel of it all.
I thank God for using #AOD# to remind me about what is really important. Pleasing GOD and doing His will ought to be and is my uppermost priority in life. It is sometimes easy to get so caught up in the rat race of life that one forgets that simple principle. May the Lord forgive me.
All through the night I tossed and turned with guilt. I have asked God to forgive me and I know He has. He then took me to two scriptures in the bible:
Matthew 6:33
'But seek FIRST his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well'
Romans 8: 28
'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his PURPOSE'
These two scriptures I have read previously over and over again. But reading it this morning showed me that in putting God as the topmost priority the chasing of life's pleasures becomes irrelevant as these are automatically added to me once I acknowledge his SUPREMACY and Leading in my life.
The verse in Romans 8 also reiterates that as we put God first(By virtue of our love for Him: following His will and direction for our lives) we become part and parcel of His purpose and in becoming part and parcel of that PURPOSE all things ought to and will work together for our good.
I am so going back to basics. I urge you to please take some time to ask yourself this question? If you can truly answer this question and sincerely know that God is not the first thing that comes to mind please I encourage you to take the step I have taken and ask for forgiveness and GO BACK TO BASICS.
Post Relates to
Back to Basics,
Matthew 6:33,
Romans 8:28
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Bible Study Focus: Galatians 3
Hello People,
How has the week been?
I am so glad it's Thursday cos we are only one day away from the weekend. Thank you Jesus. This week so far has been busy. At work it's been manic and there was a time I was about to lose it; scratch that I lost it (in a dignified way though lol). Nothing major just that I spoke out. Anyway I have asked God to forgive me and give me peace and thanks to my wonderful support system (My sisters and my darling AOD) I am much better and back on track.
To the reason why we are here (insert what's app grin): as part of my new vision for this blog I will be sharing some of my bible study moment's with you guys cause I love you all so much and don't want you to miss anything I get while studying the word. I wanted to title it 'Bible Study Thursdays' but I have this feeling I won't be committed to dropping a post every Thursday so I'll just leave it as it is: Bible Study Focus
So welcome to the first of such posts (In my news reporter voice)
This July I went for a singles seminar. I usually don't go for such as to me it looked 'desperate' but now my views have changed. TOTALLY!!!!
Pastor Chris Ojigbani of Covenant Singles and Married Ministries is a minister who teaches mainly on the area of marriage. However on the first day of the seminar although the sermon was titled 'The Ultimate Marriage'it was not based on the marriage between a man and a woman but the relationship we ought to have with Christ once we become Christians.The sermon explained how so many things we go through in this life are as a result of being separated from our partner who is Christ. Once we are one with Christ by virtue of the ultimate marriage which is accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour we ought to enjoy the fullness of living a life of freedom as one who is set free is free indeed. It was a wonderful message I tell you (You can hit me up for the notes if you are interested). One of the passages he asked us to read after the sermon was Galatians 3 and I am glad that I obeyed and read this as it has totally opened my eyes and expanded my knowledge on the topic of FAITH.
Here are 10 things I picked up from Galatians 3:
1: v3 We obtain our goals not by human effort but by the spirit.
2: v6 We receive the spirit of God and the working of miracles because of our beliefs.
3: v6 Abraham believed God and it was credited to his righteousness. Therefore our belief is added unto our righteousness.
4: v9 By virtue of the faith exhibited by Abraham we are partakers of that faith and the blessings attached to it.
5: v10 A curse is placed on those who rely on the law as if the law is not observed the curse kicks in. However before God no one is justified by the law because as believers we live not by the law but by faith.
6: v.13 We have been redeemed from the curse of the law as Christ was hung on a tree for our redemption and took our curse upon Himself as it had been written 'cursed is a man who is hung on a tree'. Therefore we are no longer under the law but have been redeemed.
7: v.14 The reason for our redemption: The blessing given to Abraham will be passed not only to the jews but also to the gentiles by the blood of Jesus Christ so that our faith may be activated and we would receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. It is Faith that activates our ability to receive the Holy Spirit because how do you accept the Spirit is present if you don't believe?(belief=faith)
8: v.16 The promise given to Abraham was given to his seed also. The covenant between God and Abraham: no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that is fully established yet alone one established with God. Therefore the inheritance (blessings) that was promised to Abraham and his seed (us)is not as a result of the Law but by reason of the promise between God and Abraham (v.18). Abraham received the promise not by Law but by Faith.
9: v.19 The reason for the law: it was added because of transgressions (sin) until such a time when the seed to whom the promise referred to had come. The law being put into effect through angels by a mediator; (a mediator represents both parties but God is ONE)
10: v.23 Before faith came we were held as prisoners by the law. The law is what led us to Christ so that our faith may be justified. As we live by faith we are no longer subject to the law. Therefore we are not bound by worldly outcomes or things that affect others in the world but we are bound by faith: believing that we are attaining our rightful places even though we may not yet see the evidence of such. We are living above the law!!!!
We are all children of God by faith in Christ as through baptism we are clothed with Christ. So as I belong to Christ I am a seed of Abraham and a partaker to the promise of blessings which are activated by Faith.
So these are the 10 things I learnt from Galatians Chapter 3. Please read it also and let me know what you learnt.
How has the week been?
I am so glad it's Thursday cos we are only one day away from the weekend. Thank you Jesus. This week so far has been busy. At work it's been manic and there was a time I was about to lose it; scratch that I lost it (in a dignified way though lol). Nothing major just that I spoke out. Anyway I have asked God to forgive me and give me peace and thanks to my wonderful support system (My sisters and my darling AOD) I am much better and back on track.
To the reason why we are here (insert what's app grin): as part of my new vision for this blog I will be sharing some of my bible study moment's with you guys cause I love you all so much and don't want you to miss anything I get while studying the word. I wanted to title it 'Bible Study Thursdays' but I have this feeling I won't be committed to dropping a post every Thursday so I'll just leave it as it is: Bible Study Focus
So welcome to the first of such posts (In my news reporter voice)
This July I went for a singles seminar. I usually don't go for such as to me it looked 'desperate' but now my views have changed. TOTALLY!!!!
Pastor Chris Ojigbani of Covenant Singles and Married Ministries is a minister who teaches mainly on the area of marriage. However on the first day of the seminar although the sermon was titled 'The Ultimate Marriage'it was not based on the marriage between a man and a woman but the relationship we ought to have with Christ once we become Christians.The sermon explained how so many things we go through in this life are as a result of being separated from our partner who is Christ. Once we are one with Christ by virtue of the ultimate marriage which is accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour we ought to enjoy the fullness of living a life of freedom as one who is set free is free indeed. It was a wonderful message I tell you (You can hit me up for the notes if you are interested). One of the passages he asked us to read after the sermon was Galatians 3 and I am glad that I obeyed and read this as it has totally opened my eyes and expanded my knowledge on the topic of FAITH.
Here are 10 things I picked up from Galatians 3:
1: v3 We obtain our goals not by human effort but by the spirit.
2: v6 We receive the spirit of God and the working of miracles because of our beliefs.
3: v6 Abraham believed God and it was credited to his righteousness. Therefore our belief is added unto our righteousness.
4: v9 By virtue of the faith exhibited by Abraham we are partakers of that faith and the blessings attached to it.
5: v10 A curse is placed on those who rely on the law as if the law is not observed the curse kicks in. However before God no one is justified by the law because as believers we live not by the law but by faith.
6: v.13 We have been redeemed from the curse of the law as Christ was hung on a tree for our redemption and took our curse upon Himself as it had been written 'cursed is a man who is hung on a tree'. Therefore we are no longer under the law but have been redeemed.
7: v.14 The reason for our redemption: The blessing given to Abraham will be passed not only to the jews but also to the gentiles by the blood of Jesus Christ so that our faith may be activated and we would receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. It is Faith that activates our ability to receive the Holy Spirit because how do you accept the Spirit is present if you don't believe?(belief=faith)
8: v.16 The promise given to Abraham was given to his seed also. The covenant between God and Abraham: no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that is fully established yet alone one established with God. Therefore the inheritance (blessings) that was promised to Abraham and his seed (us)is not as a result of the Law but by reason of the promise between God and Abraham (v.18). Abraham received the promise not by Law but by Faith.
9: v.19 The reason for the law: it was added because of transgressions (sin) until such a time when the seed to whom the promise referred to had come. The law being put into effect through angels by a mediator; (a mediator represents both parties but God is ONE)
10: v.23 Before faith came we were held as prisoners by the law. The law is what led us to Christ so that our faith may be justified. As we live by faith we are no longer subject to the law. Therefore we are not bound by worldly outcomes or things that affect others in the world but we are bound by faith: believing that we are attaining our rightful places even though we may not yet see the evidence of such. We are living above the law!!!!
We are all children of God by faith in Christ as through baptism we are clothed with Christ. So as I belong to Christ I am a seed of Abraham and a partaker to the promise of blessings which are activated by Faith.
So these are the 10 things I learnt from Galatians Chapter 3. Please read it also and let me know what you learnt.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Album Review: CeCe Winans Throne Room

Hello People,
How did your weekend go? Mine was full of cooking and wedding planning: Not for me but for my friend True Glam. Don't worry when it's my turn y'all would know(*big grin*)
As part of my new agenda for this blog I would be letting you all in on albums that have blessed me. From the oldies to the newbies (to tell you the truth I know more oldies than newbies. It's like I'm still stuck in the early 90's and the beginning of the new Millenium)
Today's post will be the first of such posts and our Album for today is CeCe Winans Throne Room
I first listened to this album in 2004/2005 although the album was released in September 2003. Prior to this I had listened to the Winans family since I was a kid. I also loved to listen to her and her brother BeBe. However there was something about this particular album that changed my attitude to worship.
Taken from her original biography this is what CeCe had to say:
'Worship is probably my favorite kind of music. For some time, I’ve really felt like God was telling me to record a very special project that would encourage people to worship. As I was completing the new record deal with Epic, I told them, ‘I’ve got to do this worship album before I can do anything else.’ It may make no natural sense to do this record right now in my career, but for the past two years I have had confirmation after confirmation that this is absolutely the right time. I know it’s all in God’s timing, and it’s what He wants me to do right now. If you are a worshipper this project will take you there, and if you’re not it will certainly give you peace.'
I can not begin to tell you how true her words are with regards to encouraging others to worship because this album totally changed my outlook to worship. I have a new found respect/awe for moments whereby I just put the CD in my player or listen to it on my phone anywhere either at home or on the bus or on the train. Wherever I am it feels like I am translated into a purified atmosphere and I am blocked out of the whole drama of life. Trust me I am not exaggerating you need to try it.
For a long time I only had this album on my iPhone but recently I went on a hunt for the CD on Amazon and got it for a good price.
Songs on the album include:
Hallelujah To The King (Intro),Jesus, You're Beautiful(One of my favourites),Throne Room,How Great Thou Art(I heart this hymn),You're So Holy(First few times I heard this track I always used to tear up as in God is truly Holy),Oh Thou Most High (One of the hymns I love. CeCe should be my best friend),By Thy Blood (Worthy is the Lamb),Hallelujah to the King,Thirst For You,Come Fill My Heart (I love this song. It reminds me that I am nothing without God and with Him dwelling on the inside of me I can do anything and be everything He wants me to be),Mercy Said No (Dedicated to Ronald Winans),All In Your Name,No One Else,Hallelujah Praise,Just Like You Jesus and
A Heart Like Yours
16 tracks make up this wonderful album and I am so sure it will bless you. If you are looking to update your gospel collection and you don't have this yet please make this your next purchase. I am sure it will bless you too.
P.S. Don't forget to drop your comments on your experience here.
CeCe Winans official Biography
Post Relates to
Album Review,
CeCe Winans,
Throne Room,
True Glam,
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Feature Post (Tyger of Tygernity)
Hello lovely people of Blogsville
I hope the middle of the week has met you well, hail and hearty...
In this new era (Yes this blog is in a new era) I have decided to feature blog posts of friends who have inspired me.
The first of a few will be from my very own Tyger
People may not understand the relationship I have with her. She inspires me in so many ways, she's been more than a friend and has become a sister to me. I can speak to her about anything and she shares my views on most if not all things and is the most enterprising young lady I know. She is also my personal stylist and can be yours too. You can visit her style blog here and her everyday blog here
Now here's one of her recent posts that truly hit me and got me thinking on friendship. Enjoy!!!!
A harsh truth I have been forced to learn in the short time I have been on this earth is that my friends are few... very few and it will do me good to remember.
A preacher once said at a program - go through life making as many friends as possible and as few enemies as possible.
Unfortunately I disagree with this preacher who is simply saying go through life as a people pleaser. To do this, you will pick every phone call, say yes to every favour, listen to every whine and rant, run yourself ragged to please people to make friends... you might have 1000 facebook friends, and 2000 twitter followers; but it doesn’t mean you have 3000 friends or even 1000 friends; your friends are few whether you know it or not.
If you think you have very few enemies, you are either far away from success or very deluded... infact you are merely deluded, because even if you are far away from success, you might not have a lot of enemies but your friends are still few... very few, simply because you are not successful. What do you have to offer in your lack of success? You are a potential burden, you are likely to ask for help... a lot.... and for these reasons, your friends will be few.
So you are someone who never says no to people, you are here to help! What are friends for? Yes, you will have a lot of "seeming" friends who in truth are using you, you have been marked as the “go-to” guy, the friend who will always say yes... no they are not your friends, they are your handlers and you are the mark; you will loan out or give away money, clothes, your car, your home, your CV, your time, any and everything...and they know this.
Perhaps you are someone who goes through life eyes wide open, who refuses to be used and is focused, with a plan and a destination, people will hate you for the simple fact that you are practical and true to who you are, for refusing to be used, for knowing what you want and remaining focused... refusing to be derailed. It means you will say no to those who want to come and live in your house for 6 months with their 3 children, you will say no to people who want to use your credit card for their business; it means you will say no to that huge loan that will obviously not be repaid... and for this you will be well disliked and your friends will be few.
If you are successful or on a clear path to success in some form or the other, your friends will be few and your enemies many; your so-called friends will quietly dislike you for trying to be successful or being successful. Don’t worry they will still be the first to click “like” on all your facebook pictures and to say “you look fantastic” on that picture where you have spinach between your teeth... but they will hate your guts and root for you to fall down on your face – in their heads they are saying “arrogant idiot! Is he (she) the only one? let him (her) even fall down on his (her) face, so he (she) can know what it feels like” – like you have never fallen down before... but they have forgotten... what is key now is that you are successful and or happy and that is not okay so your friends are few... very few.
This post of mine might sound brutal and cynical... even a little paranoid but in my opinion it is a truth I have been forced to learn and your nice comments and friendly follows don’t fool me.
You can choose to go through life pleasing the world, granting favours that will break your back, cost you your job or your home or your marriage or your peace of mind – it is your choice.
But keep in mind that it doesn’t matter how nice you are or how fantastic you are, your real friends will always be few and it will do you good to remember it.
If you don’t succeed - your friends will be few because you are not a success. If you do succeed - your friends will be few because you are so successful, either way - your friends will be few - even the great Julius Caesar had a Brutus close by.
I hope the middle of the week has met you well, hail and hearty...
In this new era (Yes this blog is in a new era) I have decided to feature blog posts of friends who have inspired me.
The first of a few will be from my very own Tyger
People may not understand the relationship I have with her. She inspires me in so many ways, she's been more than a friend and has become a sister to me. I can speak to her about anything and she shares my views on most if not all things and is the most enterprising young lady I know. She is also my personal stylist and can be yours too. You can visit her style blog here and her everyday blog here
Now here's one of her recent posts that truly hit me and got me thinking on friendship. Enjoy!!!!
A harsh truth I have been forced to learn in the short time I have been on this earth is that my friends are few... very few and it will do me good to remember.
A preacher once said at a program - go through life making as many friends as possible and as few enemies as possible.
Unfortunately I disagree with this preacher who is simply saying go through life as a people pleaser. To do this, you will pick every phone call, say yes to every favour, listen to every whine and rant, run yourself ragged to please people to make friends... you might have 1000 facebook friends, and 2000 twitter followers; but it doesn’t mean you have 3000 friends or even 1000 friends; your friends are few whether you know it or not.
If you think you have very few enemies, you are either far away from success or very deluded... infact you are merely deluded, because even if you are far away from success, you might not have a lot of enemies but your friends are still few... very few, simply because you are not successful. What do you have to offer in your lack of success? You are a potential burden, you are likely to ask for help... a lot.... and for these reasons, your friends will be few.
So you are someone who never says no to people, you are here to help! What are friends for? Yes, you will have a lot of "seeming" friends who in truth are using you, you have been marked as the “go-to” guy, the friend who will always say yes... no they are not your friends, they are your handlers and you are the mark; you will loan out or give away money, clothes, your car, your home, your CV, your time, any and everything...and they know this.
Perhaps you are someone who goes through life eyes wide open, who refuses to be used and is focused, with a plan and a destination, people will hate you for the simple fact that you are practical and true to who you are, for refusing to be used, for knowing what you want and remaining focused... refusing to be derailed. It means you will say no to those who want to come and live in your house for 6 months with their 3 children, you will say no to people who want to use your credit card for their business; it means you will say no to that huge loan that will obviously not be repaid... and for this you will be well disliked and your friends will be few.
If you are successful or on a clear path to success in some form or the other, your friends will be few and your enemies many; your so-called friends will quietly dislike you for trying to be successful or being successful. Don’t worry they will still be the first to click “like” on all your facebook pictures and to say “you look fantastic” on that picture where you have spinach between your teeth... but they will hate your guts and root for you to fall down on your face – in their heads they are saying “arrogant idiot! Is he (she) the only one? let him (her) even fall down on his (her) face, so he (she) can know what it feels like” – like you have never fallen down before... but they have forgotten... what is key now is that you are successful and or happy and that is not okay so your friends are few... very few.
This post of mine might sound brutal and cynical... even a little paranoid but in my opinion it is a truth I have been forced to learn and your nice comments and friendly follows don’t fool me.
You can choose to go through life pleasing the world, granting favours that will break your back, cost you your job or your home or your marriage or your peace of mind – it is your choice.
But keep in mind that it doesn’t matter how nice you are or how fantastic you are, your real friends will always be few and it will do you good to remember it.
If you don’t succeed - your friends will be few because you are not a success. If you do succeed - your friends will be few because you are so successful, either way - your friends will be few - even the great Julius Caesar had a Brutus close by.
Post Relates to
Esteri by Enii Akinbo,
Monday, 19 September 2011
Life: A Learning Process
(Thinking to myself: this post title is a bit too deep hia!!!)
Hello people!!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was fine. The highlight was that my ibeji(twin)Dami had her wedding introduction on Sunday and although I was a bit late for the mains, I was glad I was part of the beginning of my darling's new life.
Anyway back to why we are here:
Of late I have been going through a phase of learning experiences (my twitter people have become tired of me I'm sure)
I am learning and gaining insight on so many issues in this life that I have decided to share. It may be new to some while it may just be a reminder to others. So here it goes;
1: I am learning to allow people be irritating/upset/annoying when they want to be.
(Yes I know this may be awkward but its true. You can't control another's moods so when they start just give them space)
2: I am learning to look and observe. I CAN NOT advice the world.
3: I am learning to take time out to be totally calm and quiet. One's spirit needs serenity regularly (Philippians 4:7 And the peace that transcends all understanding will guard your HEARTS and MINDS in Christ Jesus)
4: I am learning to be prudent. Being Prudent is the way forward
5: I am learning not to get upset over little things. Don't sweat the small stuff
6: I'm learning not to take up more than I can handle so as not to disappoint.
(This one is for me)
7: I am learning to accept that all fingers not being equal represents difference and uniqueness. I am me for a reason.
8: I'm learning to pick out and know my true friends. I need a good support system not a draining system.
9: I am learning to accept that I am not as tough as others or soft as some. I am who I am.
10: I am learning to say a little pray frequently. Piling up and spilling out does not give me room to hear from God.
11: I am learning that support does not come by words alone but also by action (I know someone who is smiling while reading this)
12: I am learning that in my relationship it's not about me or about my partner but about God. (Deep stuff oh. Single ladies visit Purposefully Single and sign up for the devotional and daily prayer plan. It'll be worth your while.)
13: I'm learning that to pass the test one has to go through a learning session no matter how hard it may seem.
14: I'm learning how to have a listening ear. Listen when spoken to not speaking over.
15: I'm learning that consistency in doing good always has a reward. Though it tarries it will surely come
16: I am learning how to manage certain situations without blowing my top off.
(I say to myself: Kelly remember #iAmPatienceVirtue#
17: I'm learning that certain things can't be forced. If there is nothing to say don't speak. If there is peace don't look for tension.
18: I'm learning that people have moods. It's not every time they want to play or are chirpy: allow them to be.
19: I'm learning not to assume too quickly. Assumptions are not always right.
20: I'm learning not to get upset when I don't have my way and take it that there's always a next time.
Yes people these are some of the things I've learnt and I'm still learning. Please share things you have learnt as well.
Enjoy you week people
Hello people!!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was fine. The highlight was that my ibeji(twin)Dami had her wedding introduction on Sunday and although I was a bit late for the mains, I was glad I was part of the beginning of my darling's new life.
Anyway back to why we are here:
Of late I have been going through a phase of learning experiences (my twitter people have become tired of me I'm sure)
I am learning and gaining insight on so many issues in this life that I have decided to share. It may be new to some while it may just be a reminder to others. So here it goes;
1: I am learning to allow people be irritating/upset/annoying when they want to be.
(Yes I know this may be awkward but its true. You can't control another's moods so when they start just give them space)
2: I am learning to look and observe. I CAN NOT advice the world.
3: I am learning to take time out to be totally calm and quiet. One's spirit needs serenity regularly (Philippians 4:7 And the peace that transcends all understanding will guard your HEARTS and MINDS in Christ Jesus)
4: I am learning to be prudent. Being Prudent is the way forward
5: I am learning not to get upset over little things. Don't sweat the small stuff
6: I'm learning not to take up more than I can handle so as not to disappoint.
(This one is for me)
7: I am learning to accept that all fingers not being equal represents difference and uniqueness. I am me for a reason.
8: I'm learning to pick out and know my true friends. I need a good support system not a draining system.
9: I am learning to accept that I am not as tough as others or soft as some. I am who I am.
10: I am learning to say a little pray frequently. Piling up and spilling out does not give me room to hear from God.
11: I am learning that support does not come by words alone but also by action (I know someone who is smiling while reading this)
12: I am learning that in my relationship it's not about me or about my partner but about God. (Deep stuff oh. Single ladies visit Purposefully Single and sign up for the devotional and daily prayer plan. It'll be worth your while.)
13: I'm learning that to pass the test one has to go through a learning session no matter how hard it may seem.
14: I'm learning how to have a listening ear. Listen when spoken to not speaking over.
15: I'm learning that consistency in doing good always has a reward. Though it tarries it will surely come
16: I am learning how to manage certain situations without blowing my top off.
(I say to myself: Kelly remember #iAmPatienceVirtue#
17: I'm learning that certain things can't be forced. If there is nothing to say don't speak. If there is peace don't look for tension.
18: I'm learning that people have moods. It's not every time they want to play or are chirpy: allow them to be.
19: I'm learning not to assume too quickly. Assumptions are not always right.
20: I'm learning not to get upset when I don't have my way and take it that there's always a next time.
Yes people these are some of the things I've learnt and I'm still learning. Please share things you have learnt as well.
Enjoy you week people
Monday, 12 September 2011
Hello People!!!
Hope you all had a fabulous weekend?
Mine was good. Went for a wedding (ooh I love weddings) with Tyger and we had a whole lot of fun especially when the live band started playing.
Anyway...Prior to that on Friday I was having a really bad day. I mean the kind of day when your body just doesn't want to do anything, you want to lie in and watch all your favourite tv series (i'm not lazy oh I just like to lie in sometimes *insert what's app not interested smiley*)
Ok back to the gist
Anyway at work I was draggy and all and by the middle of the day I was having a bad headache and was running a temperature and feeling feverish. Before I go further let me let you in on what I do currently and where I work.
Ok I am the personal assistant to a medical Director who runs his own practice on Harley Street. It's a good job but I am believing God for a better job within the legal field. The building where I work in has different consultants in it with their admin staff which includes practice managers,secretaries and PA's. I happen to work in all three capacities (yes I am a very valuable member of this organisation :-)]
Ok back to the story (I digress a lot o). On Friday I just did not feel right. Like I was coming down with something. Lo and behold one of the female Consultant's saw me and said she wanted to see me in her office. I mean Consultant O(this is what I shall call her) took me into a consulting room took my temperature did a check and all and asked me questions and diagnosed some tablets for me. I'm sure you are wondering what the big deal is ba? Let me tell you.
Consultant O is always being talked about as the stiff one. She's not helpful, shes all about the money bla bla and unfortunately I had built this heard persona about her and never really given her a chance to prove otherwise. But her action of friday and the way she was concerned about my well being was very shocking to me and I was disappointed in myself for judging her based on other's opinion without finding out myself. God forgive me.
A lot of us are like me. We see certain people and create covers (I have noticed people don't like to use the word JUDGING. I have chosen to fine tune it so y'all who fall into the category but choose not to accept it will still be caught under this). We hear certain things about people swallow them up and automatically create a cover for the person being labelled. Most times (I admit not all the time) these covers are false.
When the Jews were expecting the Messiah they didn't expect him to come from Nazareth: Oh no Nazareth of all places...imagine hia tufiakwa (Ok kelly remember suppress the drama queen syndrome)
Lo and behold because of His place of birth and the fact that they were expecting more they created a cover for him and chose not to believe he was(and is) the son of God.
After Friday I am learning not to create a cover for anyone. Even if I am told the person is a fraudster or killer I'll try (yes try) not to create a cover for them. Do you know how many relationships or business partnerships or friendships that would have been positive to or beneficial to a lot of us if given a chance? But these opportunities may have been lost due to creating covers. So sad.
'Lord please help me not to create a cover for anyone. Help me to have an open mind that accepts everyone for who they are. If I per chance feel attitudes or characteristics are not pleasing or palatable to me Lord help me not to cast stones but act in a manner that lovingly reflects who you are in me. Amen'
Hope you all had a fabulous weekend?
Mine was good. Went for a wedding (ooh I love weddings) with Tyger and we had a whole lot of fun especially when the live band started playing.
Anyway...Prior to that on Friday I was having a really bad day. I mean the kind of day when your body just doesn't want to do anything, you want to lie in and watch all your favourite tv series (i'm not lazy oh I just like to lie in sometimes *insert what's app not interested smiley*)
Ok back to the gist
Anyway at work I was draggy and all and by the middle of the day I was having a bad headache and was running a temperature and feeling feverish. Before I go further let me let you in on what I do currently and where I work.
Ok I am the personal assistant to a medical Director who runs his own practice on Harley Street. It's a good job but I am believing God for a better job within the legal field. The building where I work in has different consultants in it with their admin staff which includes practice managers,secretaries and PA's. I happen to work in all three capacities (yes I am a very valuable member of this organisation :-)]
Ok back to the story (I digress a lot o). On Friday I just did not feel right. Like I was coming down with something. Lo and behold one of the female Consultant's saw me and said she wanted to see me in her office. I mean Consultant O(this is what I shall call her) took me into a consulting room took my temperature did a check and all and asked me questions and diagnosed some tablets for me. I'm sure you are wondering what the big deal is ba? Let me tell you.
Consultant O is always being talked about as the stiff one. She's not helpful, shes all about the money bla bla and unfortunately I had built this heard persona about her and never really given her a chance to prove otherwise. But her action of friday and the way she was concerned about my well being was very shocking to me and I was disappointed in myself for judging her based on other's opinion without finding out myself. God forgive me.
A lot of us are like me. We see certain people and create covers (I have noticed people don't like to use the word JUDGING. I have chosen to fine tune it so y'all who fall into the category but choose not to accept it will still be caught under this). We hear certain things about people swallow them up and automatically create a cover for the person being labelled. Most times (I admit not all the time) these covers are false.
When the Jews were expecting the Messiah they didn't expect him to come from Nazareth: Oh no Nazareth of all places...imagine hia tufiakwa (Ok kelly remember suppress the drama queen syndrome)
Lo and behold because of His place of birth and the fact that they were expecting more they created a cover for him and chose not to believe he was(and is) the son of God.
After Friday I am learning not to create a cover for anyone. Even if I am told the person is a fraudster or killer I'll try (yes try) not to create a cover for them. Do you know how many relationships or business partnerships or friendships that would have been positive to or beneficial to a lot of us if given a chance? But these opportunities may have been lost due to creating covers. So sad.
'Lord please help me not to create a cover for anyone. Help me to have an open mind that accepts everyone for who they are. If I per chance feel attitudes or characteristics are not pleasing or palatable to me Lord help me not to cast stones but act in a manner that lovingly reflects who you are in me. Amen'
Thursday, 8 September 2011
A quick one
Don't worry
I am not over excited at re-running the blog that I am putting two posts up in a day
(Yes I know that's what you were thinking :-)]
Anyway I never knew that running something as simple as a blog (in my own opinion) could be so difficult. I mean before going through the different designs and templates and background options, I was looking prim and proper. You should see me now: my formerly packed hair is down, my head is aching, I have this I am confused and tired look on...well you get the point. The annoying part is I could have made my life easier by picking up the phone and calling my sister to tell me what to do.
This reminds me of how we are stuck in different life situations and we feel we can figure it all out by ourselves. We go around in circles, stress ourselves and eventually breakdown (If we get to that point).
Sometimes I wonder when I'm going round in circles if God is looking at me and shaking his head going: 'Why is this girl stressing herself' (yes I have those kind of thoughts too)..
We (me included) need to learn how not to use God as a last resort. After going through the thorny rose bush coming out with bruises and panting for air (ok Kelly thats enough) we then go 'Ah God Dey' and then run to God.
May God forgive me(you said it too right?).
May I always remember that God is my ONLY answer.
AOD (This person will be discussed on another day) sent me a text the other day as a reminder and since then I constantly tell myself the same thing everyday:
Jeremiah 33:3- Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.
Well I guess a lot of us have to do a lot of calling eh? Whatever it is never put Him as a last resort
I am not over excited at re-running the blog that I am putting two posts up in a day
(Yes I know that's what you were thinking :-)]
Anyway I never knew that running something as simple as a blog (in my own opinion) could be so difficult. I mean before going through the different designs and templates and background options, I was looking prim and proper. You should see me now: my formerly packed hair is down, my head is aching, I have this I am confused and tired look on...well you get the point. The annoying part is I could have made my life easier by picking up the phone and calling my sister to tell me what to do.
This reminds me of how we are stuck in different life situations and we feel we can figure it all out by ourselves. We go around in circles, stress ourselves and eventually breakdown (If we get to that point).
Sometimes I wonder when I'm going round in circles if God is looking at me and shaking his head going: 'Why is this girl stressing herself' (yes I have those kind of thoughts too)..
We (me included) need to learn how not to use God as a last resort. After going through the thorny rose bush coming out with bruises and panting for air (ok Kelly thats enough) we then go 'Ah God Dey' and then run to God.
May God forgive me(you said it too right?).
May I always remember that God is my ONLY answer.
AOD (This person will be discussed on another day) sent me a text the other day as a reminder and since then I constantly tell myself the same thing everyday:
Jeremiah 33:3- Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.
Well I guess a lot of us have to do a lot of calling eh? Whatever it is never put Him as a last resort
Post Relates to
Last Resort,
Hello: I am back!!!!!
I am really sorry
One just gets carried away sometimes....
But now I am back and I promise that I will try my best to post regularly.
My New Agenda:
Shorter posts but much more inspiring
I am going to go a bit personal now i.e. Different happenings in my life will be featured in posts
More discussions on different topics that crop up...
Having fun while blogging
So there it is guys. I promise to do my best to put a post up every week.
I sincerely hope you are blessed and ministered to through what my mind carries.
I remain yours
Patience Virtue
I am really sorry
One just gets carried away sometimes....
But now I am back and I promise that I will try my best to post regularly.
My New Agenda:
Shorter posts but much more inspiring
I am going to go a bit personal now i.e. Different happenings in my life will be featured in posts
More discussions on different topics that crop up...
Having fun while blogging
So there it is guys. I promise to do my best to put a post up every week.
I sincerely hope you are blessed and ministered to through what my mind carries.
I remain yours
Patience Virtue
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
What do you see in 2011?
Happy New Year Folks!!!!
The year has already started in earnest for most people. I for one, I'm back at work and thrown back into reality. If you are not back at work well enjoy the rest of the days you have....lol
Nevertheless, most of us have mapped out how our year is going to be. Holidays have been planned, wedding plans being made, courses that need to be taken...the list is endless.
However in our busyness of getting ready to sort out 2011, lets not forget who made it possible for us to get to 2011. Let us appreciate our God at every step.
Apart from the Hullabaloo of life 'What do you really see in 2011 ?'
This year let us try and open our spiritual eyes to see past what the physical lays in front of us. Are there carry over blessings/prayers from last year that you have been believing God for? Do you see yourself walking in that dimension? We ought not to limit what our eyes can see concerning God's promises for our lives.
Habakkuk 2:3 'For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; It will certainly come and will not delay.'
God has given each of us the ability as believers to see beyond what life throws at us. This is what we call 'REVELATION'. Revelations equals to revealed information which in turn builds up our lives.
With this let us ask God for the spirit of revelation in 2011 to see beyond what life offers us and throws at us...
From a lawyer's point of view,An offer remains an offer until it is accepted...once accepted it becomes a binding contract.
Don't accept the offer the world gives: Accept the revelation God gives to you.
Have a blessed week
Yours Truly
Patience Virtue
The year has already started in earnest for most people. I for one, I'm back at work and thrown back into reality. If you are not back at work well enjoy the rest of the days you have....lol
Nevertheless, most of us have mapped out how our year is going to be. Holidays have been planned, wedding plans being made, courses that need to be taken...the list is endless.
However in our busyness of getting ready to sort out 2011, lets not forget who made it possible for us to get to 2011. Let us appreciate our God at every step.
Apart from the Hullabaloo of life 'What do you really see in 2011 ?'
This year let us try and open our spiritual eyes to see past what the physical lays in front of us. Are there carry over blessings/prayers from last year that you have been believing God for? Do you see yourself walking in that dimension? We ought not to limit what our eyes can see concerning God's promises for our lives.
Habakkuk 2:3 'For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; It will certainly come and will not delay.'
God has given each of us the ability as believers to see beyond what life throws at us. This is what we call 'REVELATION'. Revelations equals to revealed information which in turn builds up our lives.
With this let us ask God for the spirit of revelation in 2011 to see beyond what life offers us and throws at us...
From a lawyer's point of view,An offer remains an offer until it is accepted...once accepted it becomes a binding contract.
Don't accept the offer the world gives: Accept the revelation God gives to you.
Have a blessed week
Yours Truly
Patience Virtue
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