Thursday, 29 September 2011

Bible Study Focus: Galatians 3

Hello People,

How has the week been?

I am so glad it's Thursday cos we are only one day away from the weekend. Thank you Jesus. This week so far has been busy. At work it's been manic and there was a time I was about to lose it; scratch that I lost it (in a dignified way though lol). Nothing major just that I spoke out. Anyway I have asked God to forgive me and give me peace and thanks to my wonderful support system (My sisters and my darling AOD) I am much better and back on track.

To the reason why we are here (insert what's app grin): as part of my new vision for this blog I will be sharing some of my bible study moment's with you guys cause I love you all so much and don't want you to miss anything I get while studying the word. I wanted to title it 'Bible Study Thursdays' but I have this feeling I won't be committed to dropping a post every Thursday so I'll just leave it as it is: Bible Study Focus

So welcome to the first of such posts (In my news reporter voice)

This July I went for a singles seminar. I usually don't go for such as to me it looked 'desperate' but now my views have changed. TOTALLY!!!!

Pastor Chris Ojigbani of Covenant Singles and Married Ministries is a minister who teaches mainly on the area of marriage. However on the first day of the seminar although the sermon was titled 'The Ultimate Marriage'it was not based on the marriage between a man and a woman but the relationship we ought to have with Christ once we become Christians.The sermon explained how so many things we go through in this life are as a result of being separated from our partner who is Christ. Once we are one with Christ by virtue of the ultimate marriage which is accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour we ought to enjoy the fullness of living a life of freedom as one who is set free is free indeed. It was a wonderful message I tell you (You can hit me up for the notes if you are interested). One of the passages he asked us to read after the sermon was Galatians 3 and I am glad that I obeyed and read this as it has totally opened my eyes and expanded my knowledge on the topic of FAITH.

Here are 10 things I picked up from Galatians 3:

1: v3 We obtain our goals not by human effort but by the spirit.

2: v6 We receive the spirit of God and the working of miracles because of our beliefs.

3: v6 Abraham believed God and it was credited to his righteousness. Therefore our belief is added unto our righteousness.

4: v9 By virtue of the faith exhibited by Abraham we are partakers of that faith and the blessings attached to it.

5: v10 A curse is placed on those who rely on the law as if the law is not observed the curse kicks in. However before God no one is justified by the law because as believers we live not by the law but by faith.

6: v.13 We have been redeemed from the curse of the law as Christ was hung on a tree for our redemption and took our curse upon Himself as it had been written 'cursed is a man who is hung on a tree'. Therefore we are no longer under the law but have been redeemed.

7: v.14 The reason for our redemption: The blessing given to Abraham will be passed not only to the jews but also to the gentiles by the blood of Jesus Christ so that our faith may be activated and we would receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. It is Faith that activates our ability to receive the Holy Spirit because how do you accept the Spirit is present if you don't believe?(belief=faith)

8: v.16 The promise given to Abraham was given to his seed also. The covenant between God and Abraham: no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that is fully established yet alone one established with God. Therefore the inheritance (blessings) that was promised to Abraham and his seed (us)is not as a result of the Law but by reason of the promise between God and Abraham (v.18). Abraham received the promise not by Law but by Faith.

9: v.19 The reason for the law: it was added because of transgressions (sin) until such a time when the seed to whom the promise referred to had come. The law being put into effect through angels by a mediator; (a mediator represents both parties but God is ONE)

10: v.23 Before faith came we were held as prisoners by the law. The law is what led us to Christ so that our faith may be justified. As we live by faith we are no longer subject to the law. Therefore we are not bound by worldly outcomes or things that affect others in the world but we are bound by faith: believing that we are attaining our rightful places even though we may not yet see the evidence of such. We are living above the law!!!!

We are all children of God by faith in Christ as through baptism we are clothed with Christ. So as I belong to Christ I am a seed of Abraham and a partaker to the promise of blessings which are activated by Faith.

So these are the 10 things I learnt from Galatians Chapter 3. Please read it also and let me know what you learnt.


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