Tuesday, 28 September 2010


Hello Darlings,

Sometimes if not most of the time we over work not our physical bodies but our mental state.

I do understand that it's not our fault as we live in a world where the pressures of life can be so overwhelming that you can not help but think continuously/ponder on matters which have passed, are present and are yet to come.

But stop!!!!! Take a moment to relax and enjoy the present. You have learnt from your past so why not anticipate enjoying the future. Its easier said than done I know but what is there to lose.

I used to worry a lot. On average I'm sure I worried ten times more than someone of my age. I will continuously ponder on things that should have been, should be and ought to be. The whole mind racket made me worry like no man's business. One day it all occurred to me while reading The Message version of Ecclesiastics 1:2 that all the worrying was for nothing.

If the wisest man on earth who had everything he wanted: riches, women, kingdoms...you name it, had it all said all the chasing around was for nothing...The Message version calls 'nothing' Smoke

I mean I had to laugh when I read it...smoke...what is smoke...nothing...

In the blink of an eye all of life's troubles and searches where reduced to one word 'SMOKE'

So with all of life's troubles try and relax...

Take time to breathe in the fresh air

Take time to appreciate where you are and accept where you've come from in order to be ready for where you are going to.

Don't take things to heart too easily...Try and learn from the wisest man that ever lived:


Yours Truly

Patience Virtue

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