Monday 1 February 2010


Sometimes we get tired of Life and wonder what the true essence of it is...but

Always remember that you were created for a one was brought here without a mission..strive to fulfill your mission

Sometimes we feel distressed and wonder why bad things happen to good people...sometimes it feels in the midst of a million people your all alone...but

Always remember you are never alone..Afterall If God be for you who can be against you...Being alone is a good thing get the time to reflect on issues that are bothering you and try to seek solutions to them

Sometimes it seems the closest persons to you hurt you most...when you need them they just seem no where to be found....but

Always remember that you have got family to back you up...there are friends that are always there through thick and thing...certain situations may show us who are friends really are.. friends who are always there are not classified as friends but family...

Sometimes it seems as if the target we set for ourselves are too high...we want this done by this, we want this thru by this...I want this to go this way....and when it seems we are drowning in our own high standards, we begin to loose hope...but

Always remember no standard is set too high...Do not compromise your position because you feel it is making you loose valuable time or connections...we are all created differently..some aim low while some are average...some, however, are destiny pushers and aim high they do not want to be associated with mediocrity...It all depends on your level of faith...God understands and knows when things will happen...Always remember...if Joseph had gone into the palace from the pit he was thrown into by his brothers, He would never have managed His position well..and who knows the story may have been different...

Sometimes it hurts to let want to but it is many circumstances come in and just make it all the more may be a lost love, a sour relationship with a friend, a tragic experience that has left an imprint in your memory...but

Always remember that you get to live life only can not get back any moment, second, minute, hour or day spent carrying all the burdens of life around...I know what you just thought...easier said than done right ?..true...its the person who wears the shoes who knows where it hurts the most...but the fact and truth stll remains...its easier to let go than to hold on too it..its less stressful and also less painful letting it go than keeping it in...

Sometimes its hard to love again...after a while you give up trying at all... and then you loose emotion, feeling and what begin to shut down slowly like a computer system which is hanging...but

Always remember as hard as it may seem that the ultimate love comes from God...there is never a limit on can never say you don't have enough love...there is always enough love to give...all you need to do is try and tap into you bank of need for cheques, long lines and no fear of running into overdraft...theres no harm in trying took the guy who made the light bulb so much failure to actually reach his success...And if the people/person you show love to abuse it...there's still more love to go round..remember..whatever you sow is what you reap...just make sure your steps are ordered before you love...and remember someone, somewhere out there is waiting to give you that love back in return...

(c) Kelechi Anyogu.

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