Tuesday, 14 February 2012

My Love expressed for Him

Hello Wonderful People Of God,

Happy Valentines Day!!!

I'm going to love myself today with a box of Chocolates and some pudding (No I am not sad just giving myself a treat *insert what's app smiley*)

Anyway while everyone is in the 'love mood' today I am reminded of a Lover I have who does not change and does not fail to show His love for me everyday. Through the good and through the bad He does not change; He is always there. To speak to me kindly and whisper words of encouragement to me with His still small voice. It's amazing because even when I am cheeky or naughty and hurt Him he is still always there. I want to use this day as I do every day to express my Love for Him through His many names.

Names are very important. To me a name shows who you are; that is why I am forever grateful to God for my parents giving me my name KELECHI which means 'Thank God'cos there is always something to thank God for.

So also my Lover has many names and I use them frequently to express my love for him. Each of His names gives me another reason to appreciate Him and Love him some more. Let me introduce you to some of His names so you'll understand why I love Him so...

El Echad: The One God (My Only God)

El Hanne'eman: The Faithful God (My Faithful God)

El Emet: The God of Truth (My God who reveals all Truth to me by his Word)

El Tsaddik: The Righteous God (My Righteous God: No fault in Him at all)

El Shaddai: The All sufficient God (My All Sufficient God: with Him and in Him I am totally Complete, He is more than enough for me)

El Olam: The Everlasting God (My God who is not limited to Time: He is the was, the is and the is to: Never Changing; My Unchanging Lover who Changes my situations around)

El Roi: The God who sees me (My God who always has my back; never leaving me nor forsaking me; even when I walk through the valley, through the pit He watches over me and reminds me that I'm on my way to my palace)

El Gibbor: The Mighty God (My God who fights my battles, who is mighty to save me from every storm)

El De'ot: The God of Knowledge (My God who knows ALL things; Hence I request for His Will to be done because He holds my life in His hands; He knew me even before I was formed in my mother's womb so He knows what my future holds)

El Haggadol: The Great God (My Great God; Beautiful in all situations; Doing great and mighty miracles that goes beyond natural explanation)

El Hakkavod: The God of Glory ( My God of Glory; He is clothed in splendour and His Glory fills my life; even when I feel at my lowest he reminds me of his Glory. All things are to His glory)

El Hakkadosh: The Holy God (My Holy God; No blemish in Him at all; sweeter than spring time purer than sunshine; My God is so beautiful to me)

El Chayai: The God of my life (The owner of my life: My Soul, My body and every fibre of me; without Him I am nothing; I love him so much)

El Sali: The God my Strength/God my Rock (Even when I am weak I run to him and I feel strength; He increases my strength and lifts me up and upholds me: I am soooooo grateful; His name is a strong tower, I run into it and I feel safe: Totally)

El Erekh Apayim avi ha-tanchumim: The God of Patience and Consolation (When I wait on the Lord and trust in Him I know for a fact that in being patient and waiting for His perfect timing He is able to console me and grant me the best; not what is good or what is better but what is BEST. He Has promised He will never Fail)

El Yesuatenu: The God of our Salvation (He saved me: My God who was selfless and sent His only begotten son just for me, My Lord who took up the flesh of man and endured all the brutality on his way to the cross just to save me from myself and from the hand of the enemy: My Lover whose blood speaks for me)

Immanuel: God with us (My God who is with me; my ever present help in time of trouble, my shield, my defence, my everything)

Please join me and appreciate my Lover; The reason for my existence who keeps on proving Himself over and over again.

Thank you Jesus: I LOVE YOU.

Have a Wonderful Day People

Yours always