Happy New Year Folks!!!!
The year has already started in earnest for most people. I for one, I'm back at work and thrown back into reality. If you are not back at work well enjoy the rest of the days you have....lol
Nevertheless, most of us have mapped out how our year is going to be. Holidays have been planned, wedding plans being made, courses that need to be taken...the list is endless.
However in our busyness of getting ready to sort out 2011, lets not forget who made it possible for us to get to 2011. Let us appreciate our God at every step.
Apart from the Hullabaloo of life 'What do you really see in 2011 ?'
This year let us try and open our spiritual eyes to see past what the physical lays in front of us. Are there carry over blessings/prayers from last year that you have been believing God for? Do you see yourself walking in that dimension? We ought not to limit what our eyes can see concerning God's promises for our lives.
Habakkuk 2:3 'For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; It will certainly come and will not delay.'
God has given each of us the ability as believers to see beyond what life throws at us. This is what we call 'REVELATION'. Revelations equals to revealed information which in turn builds up our lives.
With this let us ask God for the spirit of revelation in 2011 to see beyond what life offers us and throws at us...
From a lawyer's point of view,An offer remains an offer until it is accepted...once accepted it becomes a binding contract.
Don't accept the offer the world gives: Accept the revelation God gives to you.
Have a blessed week
Yours Truly
Patience Virtue