Sunday, 31 January 2010

A new beginning

Hello Everyone,

I'm pretty new at this so my apologies if I drift off or you lose me half way. I will try my best to enunciate to you what I feel on issues most of us experience everyday. This blog will be most useful to young guys and ladies in their late teens and relatively early-mid twenties...However this does not eliminate the older ones from adding to my views or even considering my thoughts...

Before I begin, I will like to write a short prayer which will introduce my blog for the day:

The Lord is my Pacesetter, I shall not rush;
He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals.
He provides me with images of stillness,
which restores my serenity;
He leads me in the ways of efficiency through
calmness of mind
And His guidance is peace
Even though I have a great many things
to accomplish each day
I will not fret, for His presence is here
His timelessness, His all importance
will keep me in balance
He prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity,
By annointing my mind with His oils of tranquility.
My cup of joyous energy overflows,
Surely harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruits of my hours,
For I shall walk in the pace of my Lord, and dwell in His house forever.

(Culled from Toki Miyashina's rendition of Psalm 23)

My mother (God bless her) always used to tell me that my mind was always working 24/7 round the clock even in my sleep because I always had something on my mind. Now I am a young lady in her early twenties...I consider myself beautiful, intelligent and mature. However, sometime I tend to wonder about a lot of things: what will happen in the next two years; who will I marry; is my boyfriend cheating on me; I'm I going to have a great career;

Now I mean I am a young girl...most people will say I don't need to think of all these things, I should read my books...

This is true, However as young people we live in a world that begs us to consider our future...Usually we wouldn't have to do this as mumsy or popsy has our backs. But we have gotten to a stage whereby you have to make some decisions on your own. For example your future career. What do you want to do as a life ambition...what do you see yourself waking up every morning to do...what are your talents...

All these may sound a little too much if you think of it at one time. But the truth of the matter is that it still stays there whether you thik of it or not.

Next comes the relationships: Both with the same sex and the opposite sex. With the same sex: you consider what attributes you need in a friend...a good friend not a gossip friends (girls you know what I am talking about when I say 'gossip friend')you want people who you can run to in times of need both spirituaally, pshychologically or otherwise...You want someone who you can have real talk with...who you can be real with and who will be real with you... People who you will push you into your destiny and who you can push into their destiny. These are the things I think about...and I sure know I am not the only one.

Now the opposite sex relationship part: you want someone who completes you...someone who can cross your t's and dot your i's without making you feel stupid but correcting you lovingly. Someone who is more spiritually advanced than you are and who is willing to share your visions and dreams with you and encourage you ever so often. Complement you on the little efforts you make and just make you feel good. Above all someone who LOVES you genuinely and not because you are tall dark and handsome and have a fat bank account or you are the epitome of a coke bottle, light skinned and beautiful.

Now these are just areas I picked because I think of them a great deal. It may be different for some but to some it may be the same. Here is what I have been learning since the beginning of this year and I hope it works for you too if you apply it.

I have decided (more like I have taken a pledge with myself) that I will exhibit patience and virtue. As a girl I have too but it doesn't mean guys are not to be patient and virtuous as well. I will explain to you why these two characteristics are imortant in our daily lives.

Patience: Patience (pā-shəns) is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation ...

Endurance: the power to withstand hardship or stress (

These two attributes are what have kept me going for the past 31 days of this year. This is because as young people we are too hasty...we want so many things to work in our own way and at our own time. But people, life is not like that. We have to understand that there is a higher force than us who sees and knows our end from the beginning. Proverbs 3 v 6: In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

This is what we need to do surrender all to God and be patient and believe that in due time He will see us through. Good things don't happen quickly. The best things in life don't happen in a rush...To cook good Jollof rice ( a Nigerian delicacy) and I mean good party Jollof rice you don't rush it and don't stir it. It then comes out beautiful and tasty. Take all your plans like that. There is no need to rush into anything. Don't rush to study a course you know you are not good at or won't be able to cope with along the line. Don't enter friendships with the same sex to which you know you do not share the same views as they would only corrupt you. Do not enter relationships with the opposite sex because you feel all your friends are in a relationship and it feels like the right thing to do. BE PATIENT. ENDURE all the stress and pressures of life. Because although you may seem like a late bloomer you will be in a better position than most of your peers.

I once watched a Mount Zion Ministries Move called 'Back to Zero point' . This film really touched me. It showed me how we can with our own hands ruin our destiny's because of lack of patience. Rushing to do God's work as orchestrator of our lives when He didn't ask for your help. At the end the result is going back to the same position you were running from.

Please no matter what you do remember this:
1.When you dont know where to turn, return to the Lord
2.Wait for your appointed time of Glory: Do not be too hasty...HE who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it...

Just exercise a bit of patience.

Virtue: the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong
a particular moral excellence

Virtue comes into this whole Patience theory when you carry yourself in such a way that people admire you for being upright. Being virtuous should affect every area of our life. Carry yourself in such a way that people want to know you. Not for bad but for good. Carry yourself in such away that people want you to be their friend. Carry yourself in such a way that what you know you won't do infront of your parents you won't do outside. Carry yourself in such a way that you will be seen as a problem solver not a trouble causer.

Try and be accomodating so others can accomodate you. Exercise virtue in all you do...Ladies consider the Proverbs 31 woman. Guys you want a Proverbs 31 woman so why not be a Proverbs 31 Man...

I hope what I have written has inspired you guys...

I started with a prayer of peace because I think that is what we all need.

I will try and write as often as I can.

If this inspired you, share it with your friends and family.

Till next time,

Its me....Patience Virtue